
How Long Can A Headless Chicken Live

The chicken that lived for xviii months without a head

Mike the headless chicken Image source, LIFE / Getty Images

Seventy years ago, a farmer beheaded a craven in Colorado, and it refused to dice. Mike, as the bird became known, survived for eighteen months and became famous. But how did he live without a head for so long, asks Chris Stokel-Walker.

On 10 September 1945 Lloyd Olsen and his wife Clara were killing chickens, on their farm in Fruita, Colorado. Olsen would decapitate the birds, his wife would clean them upwardly. Only one of the 40 or l animals that went under Olsen's hatchet that day didn't behave like the rest.

"They got down to the end and had i who was still alive, upwards and walking effectually," says the couple's nifty-grandson, Troy Waters, himself a farmer in Fruita. The craven kicked and ran, and didn't stop.

Information technology was placed in an old apple box on the farm's screened porch for the nighttime, and when Lloyd Olsen woke the following morning, he stepped exterior to see what had happened. "The damn thing was yet alive," says Waters.

"It's role of our weird family history," says Christa Waters, his wife.

Waters heard the story as a male child, when his bedridden corking-grandfather came to alive in his parents' firm. The two had adjacent bedrooms, and the erstwhile man, often sleepless, would talk for hours.

"He took the chicken carcasses to town to sell them at the meat market," Waters says.

"He took this rooster with him - and back so he was however using the horse and wagon quite a bit. He threw information technology in the wagon, took the chicken in with him and started betting people beer or something that he had a live headless chicken."

Word spread around Fruita about the miraculous headless bird. The local paper dispatched a reporter to interview Olsen, and two weeks afterward a sideshow promoter called Hope Wade travelled near 300 miles from Table salt Lake City, Utah. He had a unproblematic proffer: take the craven on to the sideshow circuit - they could brand some money.

"Back and then in the 1940s, they had a small farm and were struggling," Waters says. "Lloyd said, 'What the hell - nosotros might as well.'"

First they visited Table salt Lake Urban center and the University of Utah, where the craven was put through a battery of tests. Rumour has it that academy scientists surgically removed the heads of many other chickens to see whether any would alive.

Information technology was hither that Life Magazine came to marvel over the story of Miracle Mike the Headless Chicken - as he had by now been branded past Promise Wade. And then Lloyd, Clara and Mike set up off on a bout of the US.

Image source, Waters family

Image explanation,

Clara and Lloyd Olsen

They went to California and Arizona, and Promise Wade took Mike on a tour of the south-eastern U.s.a. when the Olsens had to render to their farm to collect the harvest.

The bird'south travels were carefully documented by Clara in a scrapbook that is preserved in the Waters's gun safe today.

People around the land wrote letters - 40 or 50 in all - and not all positive. One compared the Olsens to Nazis, some other from Alaska asked them to swap Mike'southward drumstick in substitution for a wooden leg. Some were addressed but to "The owners of the headless craven in Colorado", yet still plant their way to the family unit subcontract.

Afterwards the initial tour, the Olsens took Mike the Headless Craven to Phoenix, Arizona, where disaster struck in the spring of 1947.

"That's where information technology died - in Phoenix," Waters says.

What happens when a chicken's caput is chopped off?

  • Beheading disconnects the encephalon from the rest of the body, simply for a brusk period the spinal cord circuits still have residual oxygen.
  • Without input from the brain these circuits beginning spontaneously. "The neurons get active, the legs start moving," says Dr Tom Smulders of Newcastle University.
  • Ordinarily the craven is lying downwardly when this happens, but in rare cases, neurons will fire a motor programme of running.
  • "The chicken will indeed run for a lilliputian while," says Smulders. "But not for eighteen months, more than similar 15 minutes or so."

Mike was fed with liquid food and h2o that the Olsens dropped directly into his oesophagus. Another vital actual role they helped with was immigration fungus from his pharynx. They fed him with a dropper, and cleared his throat with a syringe.

The nighttime Mike died, they were woken in their motel room by the audio of the bird choking. When they looked for the syringe they realised they had left it at the sideshow, and before they could find an culling, Mike suffocated.

"For years he would claim he had sold [the chicken] to a guy in the sideshow circuit," Waters says, before pausing. "It wasn't until, well, a few years before he died that he finally admitted to me one night that it died on him. I think he didn't ever want to admit he screwed up and permit the proverbial goose that lays golden eggs die on him."

Olsen would never tell what he did with the expressionless bird. "I'm willing to bet he got flipped out in the desert somewhere betwixt hither and Phoenix, on the side of the road, probably eaten by coyotes," Waters says.

But by any measure out Mike, bred as a fryer chicken, had a skillful innings. How had he been able to survive for so long?

The thing that surprises Dr Tom Smulders, a chicken good at the Centre for Behaviour and Evolution at Newcastle University, is that he did not drain to death. The fact that he was able to keep functioning without a head he finds easier to explicate.

Image source, Waters family

For a human to lose his or her caput would involve an most total loss of the brain. For a chicken, it's rather different.

"You lot'd be amazed how little brain there is in the front of the head of a chicken," says Smulders.

It is generally concentrated at the back of the skull, behind the optics, he explains.

Reports indicate that Mike's bill, face, eyes and an ear were removed with the hatchet blow. But Smulders estimates that upwards to 80% of his encephalon past mass - and near everything that controls the chicken'due south body, including eye rate, breathing, hunger and digestion - remained untouched.

It was suggested at the time that Mike survived the blow considering part or all of the brain stem remained fastened to his torso. Since then science has evolved, and what was so called the encephalon stem has been constitute to be office of the brain proper.

"Most of the bird brain equally nosotros know it now would actually be considered the encephalon stem dorsum and so," Smulders says.

"The names that had been given to parts of the bird brain in the belatedly 1800s were all indicating equivalences with the mammalian brain that were in fact wrong."

Epitome source, AP

Image caption,

Troy Waters stands next to a statue of Mike in Fruita, which holds the Headless Chicken festival every year in May

Why those who tried to create a Mike of their ain did not succeed is hard to explain. It seems the cut, in Mike's case, came in just the right place, and a timely blood clot luckily prevented him bleeding to death.

Troy Waters suspects that his great-grandad tried to replicate his success with the hatchet a few times.

Certainly, others did. A neighbor who lived up the road would buy up whatever chickens for sale at an auction in nearby Grand Junction, Colorado, and stop by the family farm with a 6-pack of beer for Olsen, to persuade him to explain exactly how he did it.

"I remember [him] telling me, laughing, that he got free beer every other weekend considering the neighbour was sure he got filthy rich off this craven," Waters says.

"Filthy rich" was an opinion many held in Fruita of the Olsen family. Merely according to Waters, that was an exaggeration.

"He did make a niggling money off it," Waters says. He bought a hay baler and two tractors, replacing his horse and mule. And also - a bit of a luxury - a 1946 Chevrolet pickup truck.

Waters once asked Lloyd Olsen if he had fun. "He said, 'Oh yes, I had a chance to travel around and run into parts of the state I probably otherwise wouldn't take seen. I was able to modernise and have farm equipment.' But information technology was something he put in his past.

"He all the same farmed the rest of his life, scratched a living out of the dirt."

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